Lindance 创办人 & 原创舞剧《My Mulan》总导演
-北京舞蹈学院硕士研究生,北京大学艺术管理研究生,中国舞蹈家协会会员,加拿大国际舞蹈文化协会副会长,加拿大艺术贡献奖获得者,2020女仕界Golbal Impact Award大奖获得者,2021年新时代电视台新枫采艺术风采奖获得者。
-擅长编导,主要作品有:”马蹄飞扬”、“生命的欢歌”、“飞天印象”、“笛韵”、“Fly Away Home伴你高飞”、“筷子舞草原情”、小型舞剧“熊猫乐园”,大型原创励志舞剧《My Mulan》等等。
-在舞台艺术方面,曾在国家大剧院负责经典剧目制作多年,如歌剧《弄臣》, 舞剧《马可波罗》,导演陈维亚; 歌剧《卡门》,国际知名导演佛兰切斯特•赞贝罗等。 在歌剧《纳布科》,担任舞蹈编排指导,受到导演吉尔伯特 •德弗洛Gilbert Deflo的赞赏。
-在大型活动方面,2014-2021年,担任八届 “加拿大国际青少年舞蹈节“,活动发起人、艺术总监、组织主办人;曾担任《多伦多.中国心》快闪迎国庆” 舞蹈编导;“欢天喜地庆新春”艺术总监兼总导演;“渥太华欢乐春节”快闪导演组成员,主要舞蹈编导;全球第一部 防疫公益快闪 《Stronger Than Yesterday》艺术总监。组织策划导演多伦多公益舞蹈快闪“Your vote matters”
Chinese Dance Director 中国舞艺术总监
Ballet Director 芭蕾艺术总监
Originally from Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Saniya Abilmajineva graduated from the Choreography College in Moscow in 2007. From 2007-2008, she performed as the first soloist with the Natalia Satz Theatre (formally known as the Children’s Musical Theatre). Saniya joined Canada’s Ballet Jörgen as a company dancer in 2009. Saniya’s roles with CBJ include the title roles in Anastasia, Romeo & Juliet, and Cinderella; Lady Birch in The Nutcracker: A Canadian Tradition, and Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. Saniya was part of the creation of many roles in CBJ’s 25th anniversary production of Swan Lake and toured Canada performing the acclaimed principal role of Odette/Odile. In 2013 Saniya had the opportunity to dance Giselle as a guest artist with the International School of Ballet.
Awards Selection:
-Semi-finalist, The International Ballet Competition, Moscow’s Bolshoi Theatre, 2009.
-Diploma, The International Ballet Competition, New York, 2007.
-Diploma, The International Ballet Competition, Shanghai, 2007.
-Gold Medalist, The International Ballet Competition, Berlin, 2006.
-Silver Medalist, The International Ballet Competition, Berlin, 2005.
Areas of Specialization:
-Ballet, Point, Classical and Contemporary Repertoire, & Character Dance
Senior Art Counsulor 艺术顾问
-舞剧《南京1937》、《水月洛神》(唐诗逸主演)、《My MuLan》(周丽君主演)
Lindance 特邀艺术家
-青年舞蹈家,编导,教师。他是舞蹈界的学霸,学霸中的舞者。北京舞蹈学院优秀毕业生。曾是中国歌剧舞剧院主要演员,饰演过舞剧《赵氏孤儿》的一号角色程婴,《驼道》中的道尔吉,参演过《孔子》,《李白》等多部舞剧。演出足迹遍布美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,意大利,日本等。2019年12月,他受邀出演大型舞剧《MY MULAN》,饰演主要角色将军。 他目前是天普大学在读研究生,舞蹈系全额奖学金获得者,也是美国KYL舞团的主要演员,并在大学教授舞蹈专业课。不但擅长表演和编舞,还善教学和研究。
Lindance 特邀艺术家
-中国舞公益大使,中国青年舞蹈家。毕业于北京舞蹈学院古典舞系,是总政歌舞团主要演员。她曾参与“中国好舞蹈”,是金星组十强选手。她的代表作包括《尤物》和《彩云追月》,是众人心目中的舞蹈界旗袍女神,也是大型舞剧《长恨歌》中的“杨贵妃”,出演近十部舞剧的女一号。担任电影《钟馗伏魔:血妖魔灵》女一号李冰冰的舞蹈指导与舞蹈替身。担任原创梦幻舞剧《My Mulan》的艺术指导并领衔主演青年木兰。
-Senior Teacher 高级教师
毕业于哈尔滨学院音乐与舞蹈学院。任北京舞蹈学院考级院中国舞高级教师和学生考官。拥有13年以上的教学经验。 2008年任哈尔滨市歌剧舞剧院舞蹈演员,并且多次参加黑龙江省春节联欢晚会等大型演出。2010年进入北京舞蹈学院考级学院少儿部任中国舞1-13级教师。原创作品《向往》获得北京市东城区艺术节二等奖。荣获北京舞蹈学院《桃李芬芳》舞蹈展演表演一等奖。
Senior Teacher 高级教师
-专业芭蕾舞演员,俄罗斯裔加拿大人。4岁开始接受俄罗斯芭蕾系统培训。曾在2010年青年美国大奖赛(Youth America Grand Prix)半决赛中获得第一名,加拿大及美国多个芭蕾舞蹈比赛金奖及银奖得主。
-2013-至今,Kirill一直在维多利亚芭蕾舞团男首席,并在《胡桃夹子》等多部舞剧中担任主角。加拿大顶级舞团Canada’s Ballet Jörgen 独舞演员;主演多部经典及现代芭蕾舞剧。Kirill 老师在我校负责芭蕾舞中高级教学,芭蕾男舞者技巧,现代舞等。教学张力十足,要求严格,技术技巧出众。
Senior Teacher 高级教师
-Miss Olivia Lau is a Canadian dancer, dance instructor and choreographer. Olivia began dancing at the age of 4 and has over 15 years of experience in Royal Academy of Dance Ballet and BDA Chinese dance, as well as 10 years of experience in CSTD Modern Jazz. Olivia studied and graduated from the Unionville High School Dance Program. Miss Olivia is a certified Beijing Dance Academy Teacher and is HIGH FIVE® certified to facilitate sports and recreational programs for children. Miss Olivia now specializes in contemporary and Chinese dance.
K-pop Dance Instructor
原古巴国家舞团主要演员,现役Canada’s Ballet Jorgen主要演员。
-Trained professionally in ballet, Haruka Kyoguchi has participated in numerous performances including as Cinderella in "Cinderella" as a Guest Principal dancer with Les Petits Ballets in 2016, Doll in "Nutcracker" as a soloist with the Toronto International Ballet Theater (2016-2018) and a guest dancer for Nuit Blanche Toronto in 2018. She has won many awards such as First Place at the World Ballet Arts Competition Grand Prix 2018 Semi Final and was a finalist in the World Ballet Competition in 2018 among many others.
-Miss Shay Nicole graduated in early 2019 from York University with a BFA in dance. She has over 6 years of dance teaching experience. Miss Shay is passionate about ballet and contemporary and combines the technicality and freedom that these styles show. She specializes in contemporary, lyrical, creative process, improv, conditioning and jazz technique.
-Miss Shay Nicole graduated in early 2019 from York University with a BFA in dance. She has over 6 years of dance teaching experience. Miss Shay is passionate about ballet and contemporary and combines the technicality and freedom that these styles show. She specializes in contemporary, lyrical, creative process, improv, conditioning and jazz technique.
-Senior Teacher 高级教师 -來自香港,從事舞蹈教學30多年 -持有北京舞蹈學院中国舞分级考試合格教師 (BDA ) -英国皇家芭蕾舞資格教師 (RAD ) -澳洲联邦舞蹈教師協会現代嚼士舞 資格教師(CSTD )
Lindance 特邀教师
Lindance 特邀教师
上戏附中六年,北舞大学四年,十年的舞蹈专业学习和浓郁的艺术氛围熏陶,形成了严谨求学的态度、稳重踏实的作风。练就了一身扎实的舞蹈基本功,表演能力强。曾参演北京舞蹈学院舞剧《梁祝》首演及受邀到国内外巡演。表演的《醉春风》荣获第16届北京舞蹈大赛 表演一等奖。
Lindance 特邀教师
附中,大学,硕士研究生 均为全日制舞蹈专业。曾获第十七届北京市舞蹈大赛专业青年组单双三组 大奖;全国职业舞蹈技能大赛河北赛区一等奖;指导学生参加“阳光灿灿,花儿朵朵”舞蹈比赛获一等奖。教学清晰,非常有亲和力,深受学生喜爱。
Lindance 特邀教师
Miss Christine Ng started dancing at the age of 9 and was the first few students at Lindance. Christine studies at Unionville High school’s Arts program as a dance major. Miss Christine is a certified Beijing Dance Academy Teacher. She enjoys teaching BDA level classes and technique classes and takes a lot of pride from teaching. Miss Christine finds it very important for each student to explore their own movements and creativity and is more than willing to help each student along their journey. With Chinese dance and ballet as her main styles of dance, she has performed in events like Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant and competed in Toronto Youth Dance Festival, winning the Gold Honour (Solo) award.
Miss Summer Chu is a certified Beijing Dance Academy Teacher. She is experienced in different dance styles such as Chinese dance, ballet, contemporary, jazz, and hip-hop. Among all the styles above, Chinese dance is her favourite to teach and dance. Miss Summer is one of our outstanding members in Elite Dance Group. She believes teaching is a meaningful and fulfilling process and she wants to pass on the love and appreciation to the students.
Miss Victoria Tam was admitted to the Hong Kong Children's Choir (HKCC) Dance Programme at the age of 4 and has over 12 years of experience in BDA Chinese Dance. Being born and raised in Hong Kong, Victoria manages to be a trilingual instructor who speaks fluently in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. Based on the student's needs and interests, she consistently individualizes instruction and strives to build a classroom atmosphere that is encouraging. Starting off as a classical Chinese Dance dancer, she has also developed her interest in other dance types.
Miss Annie Liang has been dancing for 11 years and is a certified Beijing Dance Academy Teacher. Miss Annie has competed in the 2019 China Youth Culture and Art Carnival and 2021 Canada International Youth Dance Festival, winning First Place and Gold Medalist respectively.
Areas of specialization:
Chinese Dance, Contemporary, and Technique/Flexibility